
A new issue of the Acko magazine has been released in autumn 2017. The magazine is published by the Czech Academy of Sciences and, apart from many interesting articles, you may find there also an extensive report about our project (Pp 24-29). The magazine is open access.


Petr Vašát presented the results of HOBOhemia RDS survey this time at Radio Praha on 24th July.


"If you live with no job for long time, somewhere in lodging house, or even on the street, the idea, that he´ll work 40 hours a week in some factory from day to day, is completely utopic," says Petr Vašát for Czech newspaper Lidové noviny. More about the changing nature of socially excluded localities in 10th July issue of the newspaper.


On 30th June 2017 Petr Vašát has summarized the findings from our quantitative survey in the Czech Television broadcast. The interview starts from 18 minutes and 30 seconds. Czech Televison has also summarized the key findings from the survey.


On 13th April 2017, article about The HOBOhemia: The Homeless City exhibition and about long-term respondent of the project Mr. Václav was published in the Mladá fronta DNES newspapers.


On 10th April 2017, The HOBOhemia: The Homeless City exhibition appeared in Czech television coverage of The Diversity Week Festival.


On 10th April, Czech Radio informed about GPS tracking with homeless people, that take place in the scope of HOBOhemia project activities.


Interview with Petr Vašát about photovoice research method used in HOBOhemia project can be found in Nový prostor issue Nr. 495. Thanks to photovoice method more than 1111 photos of everyday life were taken by homeless people in Prague and Pilsen. Chosen photosets are displayed at the exhibition Hobohemia: Město bezdomovců between April 10 and 13 in Hybernska 4, Prague 1.


How does a day on the street look like? Mr Vaclav, one of our key informants, in the last episode of the Poverty in Czechia series of the iDNES media.


Have you lived in children´s home? You have got 80 % chance to end up as the homeless, said Petr Gibas, a member of Hobohemia team, in the interview on the Cesky Rozhlas Plus radio. It´s worth a listen!


About the HOBOhemia project not only in English, but also in Russian. The article GPS-навигация чешских бездомных introduces our GPS tracking.


Josef Bernard commented contribution of the HOBOhemia project for journal Blesk online. HOBOhemia systematically monitors situation of homeless persons in Prague and Pilsen.  Article Konec byznysu s chudobou: Poslanci chtějí sociální byty points at necessity to map the numbers of people, who are in need of social housing.


“The main result of this is the size of the city is a key role in everydayness and everything, because in Pilsen everything is more community based. There is one or two huge communities co-operating, everybody knows each other, whereas in Prague it’s more separated. It’s more individual and more competitive.” Petr Vašát comments on some results of the Hobohemia for Cultour Magazine. Read more about homelessness in Prague from the perspective of organizations Pragulic, Naděje (Hope), Nový Prostor (New Era) and others in the recent article Homelessness in Prague: Social Exclusion in the Capital.


“I was really surprised how the conditions and experiences are reflected in your physical state – a sort of embodiment,” Petr Vašát comments for The Guardian his 24 hours homeless experience. More about the experience, social entrepreneurship and Pragulic in the article Poverty tourism: homeless guides show Prague's less salubrious side.


On time, space and homelessness ... the HOBOhemia project on Radio Wave. Listen up the record of the interview with Petr Vašát.


On Monday 7th December a coverage came out about our project in Týden magazine, describing photovoice, one of our innovative research techniques. We have given to the homeless cooperating informants from Prague and Pilsen cameras for the period of 24 hours to record their daily activities. We gained over 500 photos, which will be analysed. We wish you a pleasant reading!


On Sunday 11th October our project appeared in TV programme 168 hodin, represented by our PI Petr Vašát. Unfortunately one of the basic ideas of our project had been cut out of the reportage, so we would like to state this idea here: „ Housing is a very important aspect of reintegration, but it is not the only one. Homelessness is a dynamic and comlex phenomenon. Besides housing, it is necessary to think particularly about obtaining full-valued work contract and social relations outside the street community. So called „normal life“cannot be led in the environment of a commercial lodging house.


We participated in conference “Řešení problematiky bezdomovectví a sociálního vyloučení na úrovni samosprávy” in Pilsen and, in a moment, an article in Saturday MF DNES came from it. The article “Homeless stick together” you will find here.


Look at the election news report in 168 hodin program. You can see there how the issue of homelessness became the “election hit” for many of local politicians in fall of 2014.